Examination is a key aspect to learning and development. Examination is one of the many forms in assessing the student or professionals learning abilities and an important method to impart specific teaching based on how well the student has performed. The students these days have the option to take exams online or offline in a classroom set up.
Online exams are extremely popular and convenient these days for both exam takers and exam conductors. Technologies such as remote proctoring have made it possible for examination conductors to easily handle online exams without any risk of cheating or other malpractice. Many of the threats related to online exams are completely eliminated via Proctored exams which is a method well known to conduct exams in an efficient and authentic way.
What are Proctored Exams?

Proctoring is a concept that has been around for a long time. Proctoring was first introduced several centuries ago when the Greek scholars started using examination as a key practice of evaluation and assessment in students and pupils of various orders. An Examination proctor used to supervise the candidates who appeared for exams and would verify if the students are taking their exams in a genuine manner. Malpractices such as proxy, cheating, using reference without the knowledge of the evaluator etc were some of the practices that were avoided by using a proctor who would verify the candidates authenticity and would watch over the exam hall as the candidates took their exams.
This same practice has been used for generations now as all modes of exams are physically verified by a proctor who checks for Student ID cards, hall tickets, checks all the belongings that are taken inside by the students and oversees the examination process to avoid any cheating or other malpractices that students may involve themselves in. This is a universal system that is followed till date by all exam centres and is the most popular methods despite its flaws such as:
• Undetectable means of cheating such as handwritten chits
• Use of smart watches or phones that could be overlooked
• Personal bias of the proctor
• Incapability of the proctor to oversee the malpractices efficiently
• Use of proxy or fake IDs to take the exams
Soon this system was enhanced with the use of cameras that not only recorded the session of examination but also helped in additional eyes that could oversee what a proctor would miss amongst a whole bunch of students. This was a more successful method than the physical monitoring of exams in itself as it enabled exam conductors to review recordings incase of any suspicion and also to place extra attention which the personal presence may miss out on. It also helped in collecting physical evidence in case of malpractices.
Today, this technology is powered and further improved using AI – in the form of remote proctoring. Using remote proctoring, examinations can be overseen more effectively and efficiently by combining technological prowess with the human touch. Using AI, exams can now be monitored remotely using intelligent systems such as ID card verification, intelligent face recognition, voice recognition, movement alerts, scanning for malpractices such as detection of notes, books, another person or mobile phones. Using AI proctoring, it is possible for exam conductors to handle and monitor exams using a simple software solution with exam takers all over the world. There are no boundaries or restrictions to using this technology and the requirements for candidates is also basic which means that there is no burden on the exam takers making it even more convenient for educational and professional institutions to use and adapt.
Features of Remote Proctoring for Online Exams

Remote Proctoring Softwares are now available in the market that helps exam conductors such as schools, colleges, universities, professional coaching, school coaching, entrance exam coaching and even companies that conduct exams for their employees from time to time. Basically, any kind of institution that needs to take exams for their students and candidates on a regular basis and especially for those whose client base is spread all over the world and require an online medium for exam taking can benefit from the use of a Remote Proctoring software. Most of these softwares are available on a SaaS model which makes it a plug and play kind of a service. It requires a very basic setup at both the ends and therefore makes it very easy to adapt to. The students do not need to have any special setup from their end except for a webcam which is perhaps the only requirement for such AI powered models.
The following are the key features of a Remote Proctoring based exam software:
1. AI Powered Authentication

The basic feature that makes this software the most coveted is the authentication process that it adopts. The AI powered software can proctor exams online with or without an invigilator. An invigilator can verify the students’ ID card and hall ticket with their own file and manually authenticate the exam taker or the system can be set to automatic authorisation. In this mode, the Student ID card, Hall ticket and their facial image is cross referenced with a database that is accessible by the software and then authenticates the individual before they can take the examination.
2. Continuous Remote Invigilation

The software uses continuous assessment in a remote setting to check for facial recognition, audio recognition and for detection of any foreign activities such as the use of notebooks, books, speaking to a person or using mobile phone ls or other devices. The AI powered proctoring oversees examination in an enhanced 360 degree manner and is capable of finding out any discrepancies in the way the exam is being given by the student. The facial and image recognition runs cognisance in an automated manner such as in the beginning, every hour or upon every attempt of a section and at the end.
3. Use of background apps

The software can facilitate the use of other apps that are deemed necessary barring all other applications that may force the software to run in the background.