Protect Important Files – Secure Access to Secure Locations

Security is a fact of life. Stuff happens. Personal, professional and government-related information is stolen. Passwords are forgotten. Files are copied. Hackers steal millions...

WordPress Tutorial on Basic WP Termenologies

Termenologies is a project to help WordPress users better understand older versions of WordPress. These tutorials are aimed at users who are new to...

Great Tips & Tricks to Get the Most out of Your Mac

There are a million and one ways to get the most out of your Mac, but our favorite method is thinking about the things...

Facebook Launching Smart Glasses as Next Step to Augmented Reality (AR) – BKT Updates...

Last week, we saw the Facebook AR glasses, and it’s not just a phone. This week we saw the news that Facebook has been...

How to Install Rogue One Addon on Kodi 18 Leia – BKT

This week we will show you how to install the BKT Addon on Kodi 18 Leia by following our simple tutorial. So lets get...

mViewerPro For PC Windows 10, 8, 7 and Mac

mViewerPro is a powerful Video Player and Editor for PC, Windows 7, 8, 10, Mac OS X, Linux and others operating systems. The software...

The Security Angle: Mac vs Windows | Which OS is More Secure

This week we’re going to dig into the performance of Apple’s Mac operating system, which is officially known as Mac OS X, and Microsoft’s...

Cybersecurity 101: What is it, and How to Protect from Cyberattacks?

Cybersecurity 101 is a term that may make you cringe a little bit. This is because there is such a wide variety of information...

How to Install SportsDevil Kodi Addon | Step by Step 2024

SportsDevil Kodi Addon is a great way to enjoy your favorite sports and entertainment content on your Kodi device. Most of the time, Kodi...

Install UK Turks Playlists Addon on Kodi 16 Jarivs

/ is a set of plugins that help you get access to the best TV shows from the UK. Among those are the Turkish...